
Java Collections Framework Overview

In Java, a group of objects is called a collection. A collection is an object that holds other objects and provides methods to manipulate them. For example ArrayList, HashSet, HashMap etc.

Java collections framework provides mechanisms to hold and manipulate Java collections. It consists of three main parts:

  1. Collection interfaces.
  2. Collection implementations.
  3. Collection Algorithms.

1. Collection interfaces:

Collection interfaces represent different types of collections. For example List, Set, Queue and Map.

List, Set and Queue extend the Collection interface, while Map, even though it is part of the collections framework, doesn’t extend from the Collection interface.

Java 21 introduced the concept of sequenced collections (collections with a defined encounter order), the following diagram shows different collection interfaces and their relations. List, Set, Map and Queue are the most commonly used collection interfaces.

Java collections interface hierarchy Java collections interface hierarchy in java.util package as of Java 21

The Collection interface itself extends from the Iterable interface. It means that you can iterate over any collection using an enhanced for loop (It uses an iterator under the hood). For example:

Collection<Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
    for (Integer integer : integers) {

2. Collection implementations

Collection implementations can be subdivided into multiple categories:

General-purpose implementations:

General-purpose implementations are primary or standard implementations of the collection interfaces. For example, ArrayList and LinkedList are standard implementations of the List interface.

You can find multiple general-purpose implementations for the same collection interface; like List has two. You should choose an implementation depending on the task at hand. For example, if you have a read-heavy task, use ArrayList since it provides constant time retrieval. If you frequently need to add elements or remove elements, LinkedList may perform better.

General-purpose implementations are not designed for concurrent environments. You need to use a synchronized block to avoid unexpected behaviour in concurrent environments.

Iterator implementation in general-purpose collections is based on the fail-fast principle. Every iterator maintains a state of collection it iterates and checks for modification before every retrieval. If it deducts any structural change (e.g. size change) then it throws ConcurrentModificationException. It doesn’t matter if this modification was made by the same thread or some other thread.

Collection<Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
    for (Integer integer : integers) {
      integers.remove(integer); // Trying to remove elements while iterating over it, will throw exception

To avoid ConcurrentModificationException, you can directly work with an instance of an iterator and call remove. In this way iterator can update its state safely and won’t throw ConcurrentModificationException:

    Collection<Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));

    // Remove all elements from the list using iterator
    for (var it = integers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {;

The following table has common interfaces and their general-purposes implementations:


Special-purpose implementations:

Special-purpose implementations are designed for nonstandard special use cases. For example, EnumMap is a specialized Map implementation for use with enum type keys. All of the keys in an enum map must come from a single enum type that is specified, explicitly or implicitly, when the map is created.

Enum maps are represented internally as arrays which makes them extremely compact and efficient.

The following table has common interfaces and their special-purpose implementations:


Wrapper implementations:

These implementations wrap existing implementations and add functionality on top of them. These implementations are anonymous and you can use them by static factory methods found in Collections class. There are three types of wrappers:

1. Synchronization Wrappers:

The synchronization wrappers add synchronization (thread safety) to an arbitrary collection. For example:

var threadSafeList = Collections.synchronizedList(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));

Method Collections.synchronizedList(...) will return a wrapper collection that enforces synchronization on the underlying list. This wrapper collection is also called a view since it is merely a wrapper over the original collection and delegates all tasks to the original collection.

All methods of threadSafeList are synchronized, except for the iterator object since threadSafeList.iterator() will create a new iterator object and that will not be thread-safe. This makes sense since the iterator object is used to iterate a collection, but it is not a part of the collection. To ensure thread safety, the iteration should be synchronized explicitly:

var threadSafeList = Collections.synchronizedList(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
synchronized (threadSafeList) {
    for (var element : threadSafeList) {

You can find synchronization wrappers for other collection interfaces in the Collections class.

2. Unmodifiable Wrappers:

Unmodifiable Wrappers take away the ability to modify the collection by intercepting all the operations that would modify the collection and throwing an UnsupportedOperationException. These wrappers are mainly used to get an immutable list view.

var unmodifiableCollection = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
unmodifiableCollection.add(4); // Throws UnsupportedOperationException

You can find unmodifiable wrappers for other collection interfaces in the Collections class.

3. Checked Interface Wrappers

Checked Interface Wrappers are designed for use with generic collections. These implementations return a dynamically type-safe view of the specified collection, which throws a ClassCastException if a client attempts to add an element of the wrong type.

For example, consider the following list:

List numbers = new ArrayList();
numbers.add(1);     // An integer since Integer extends Number
numbers.add(2.567); // A double since Double also extends Number

Let’s say you want to allow only Integer in your list then, you can use:

List numbers = Collections.checkedList(new ArrayList(), Integer.class);
numbers.add(1);     // An integer since Integer extends Number
numbers.add(2.567); // will throw ClassCastException

Convenience implementations:

Convenience implementations are mini-implementations that can be more convenient and more efficient than general-purpose implementations when you don’t need their full power.

For example, Arrays.asList method returns a List view of its array argument. Under the hood, it creates an array and delegates all list operations to that array. The size of the List view is equal to the size of the underlying array and it can not be changed. If you call add or remove, UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.

List<Integer> integerList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); // Create a List backed by an array of size 3
integerList.set(0, 4); // Set value at index 0 to 4
integerList.add(4); // throw UnsupportedOperationException since backing array size can't be changed

You can find different convenience implementations in Arrays and Collections utility classes as static factory methods.

Concurrent implementations:

Concurrent implementations are designed for highly concurrent use. They are useful when you have a multithreaded environment and you want to use collections without the need for a synchronized block. These collections go beyond the synchronization wrappers discussed previously to provide features that are frequently needed in concurrent programming.

These concurrent-aware interfaces are available:

  • BlockingQueue
  • TransferQueue
  • BlockingDeque
  • ConcurrentMap
  • ConcurrentNavigableMap

Concurrent implmentations:


Abstract implementations:

Abstract implementations are partial implementations that are useful for custom implementations.

Let’s say you want to add some additional logic at the time of add() or remove(). Your solution might be to subclass existing ArrayList and override add() and remove() methods, however, this is not trivial. You will first need to understand the existing logic behind add() and remove(), then reimplement that logic in a way that you add your custom logic as well.

A better and recommended solution would be to extend from AbstractList<E> which provides a skeletal implementation of the List interface. This class is designed to be extended and facilitate custom implementations.

You can find other partial implementations as well like AbstractSet, AbstractMap, AbstractQueue etc.

Legacy implementations:

These implementations are from earlier versions of Java. For example Vector and Hashtable.

3. Collection Algorithms:

These are common data manipulation algorithms to facilitate common operations like sorting, searching, shuffling etc. You can find them in the Collections class as static methods. For example: Collections.sort(list), Collections.shuffle(list), Collections.binarySearch(list, key) etc.


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